I count 5 different light sources here… and they play together so interestingly.
I’ve submitted at least one similar shot for the 365, but I don’t really care.
I still have a problem getting everything lined up and square, but I think it’s not a problem of the camera, but of the architecture itself, which I sort of suspected already, due to the placement of the support at the top of the stairs: it’s off-center compared to the fountain and the light at the top. But today, when I drug a chair over, and clambered up onto it to get a different vantage point, I realized that the tree and planter on the right are closer than the one on the left. This is imperceptible at ground level, but readily apparent when standing on a chair.
I also tried something new with this shot: I ran it through Topaz Labs DeNoise plugin for Aperture… Is it a bit too smooth? Yes. Is there some loss of detail? Yes, but it’s minor, and the picture is about the color first, and secondarily about the apartment owner’s view toward energy conservation, and there wasn’t a huge amount of detail in it anyway: it was shot with an iPhone 4 in low light.
I may yet get out and shoot some more today, but who knows. I may just take it easy. And I’ve been tapped to help momma with a bunch of chores, and have some of my own to do, so I’m glad I got this done earlier, rather than later.
iPhone 4. ProCamera App. Slight straightening in Aperture, and a trip through Topaz Labs DeNoise plugin.