Believe it or not, this wasn’t manipulated much. Sure, I pushed the saturation and blacks a bit, but most of the color here comes thanks to some man-made and in-camera trickery.
Lighting provided by overhead incandescent, hard led, and diffused sunlight, which led to the orange in the left half, the hard white and blue in the right third, and the green along the bottom.
And three in-camera exposures, each with slightly different focus points added the softness and lovely bokeh (though the Zomb-E series is no slouch in that department…).
And the title? Well, I’ll give you a hint: it’s the brilliantly tongue-in-cheek backing track to a cheerful, orchestrated, and repetitively saccharine Rolling Stones song from 1967, though I’m not quite sure I spelled it properly…
D7000. Nikon 75-150mm f/3.5 Zomb-E Series, extended by 100mm. In-camera triple exposure, each at ISO100, 1.3 seconds, f/4, with slightly different focus points for each. Moderate post-processing in Aperture.