Three colors of light…
1) Tungsten, from a mini maglite.
2) Cold Blue LED, from a cheap flashlight.
3) Fuorescent/Window Green, from the plastic filter that came with the SB700.
I have some things I want to do with this setup, and this shot wasn’t the one I intended to use (though the one I thought would work didn’t turn out the way I expected it to), but the one that screamed “It’s ME” at me when I scrolled through the library, and I might have to do multiple exposures with multiple focus points to get the shot that I wanted.
That’s the way it goes sometimes.
D7000. Nikon 75-150mm f/3.5 Zomb-E Series. ISO100, 1/15th (AP Mode), f/11, -1EV. Moderate processing in Aperture to bring out detail and texture and to add some subtlety.
By the way, I hope the title of this doesn’t read as sacrilege. If it does, please accept my deepest apologies, and offer another title if you would, as I’m a bit flat today.
Dan Flavin Flavors?