Almost. I got some others that went too far. All in all, I made 150 pictures today…
~100 on the way home: highway photography.
~30 after I realized those were fail; an experiment: mounting the LensBaby on the Zomb-E series… shoulda known the working distance would shrink dramatically.
~20 after, in an attempt to capture this, almost, and totally at the last minute, as a safety, because all of the others were fail.
But I like this, mostly.
Other shots from today’s after-shoot shooting suggest I might want to invest in a second 75-150, one without condensation on the inside of the front element, since the condensation that came with the Zomb-E Series before it became a Zomb-E shows up clearly in bright light sources at ~1:2 or greater, though when I can get shots like this with a Zomb-E lens, i don’t know why I’d consider much of anything else: I like these…
D7000. Nikon 75-150mm f/3.5 Zomb-E Series. ISO100, 1/400th (ApMode), f/3.5 (ignore the exif), -1EV. Medium levels of processing in Aperture to bring out some detail.