now with 20% more sunstars!
Well, the North Texas Photography Explorers MeetUp Group met up to shoot the Dallas Skyline from the Trinity River bottoms/levee tonight. I met a couple of friendly people, shot with one most of the night, waved hello and/or goodbye at some others, and generally enjoyed myself.
I’m going to make a concerted effort to get out to more of these, as I’ve been a bit lax on my attendance of late.
Anyway. Here’s a quick and dirty one, with some slapped-together processing.
I’d have a better title for it, maybe, and I’d post a big blob of related shots, and different angles, and whatnot, but it’s waaaay past my bedtime, so others will have to wait for tomorrow.
D7000. Nikon 36-72mm f/3.5 E Series. ISO100, 15 seconds (APmode), f/8, -1EV. Quite a bit of processing in Aperture to gritty-up the the river bottoms while leaving the city nice and shiny.