Seeing that it’s Springtime in North Texas, the week started warm-ish and cloudy, and ended cold and rainy… In between, though, the sky was blue, the birds were chirping, and there was color everywhere!
Come Wednesday, I still hadn’t come up with a theme for the week, so I took a look in the cameras to see what I had shot. In the phone, I found 130-odd pictures I took to test out the Plastica app (there may or may not be a review in the works… depends on if and to what extent I continue to play with it), but not much else. In the D7000, there was nothing to find, as it had not been powered up all week. And in the LX-7, I found four pictures of the subtle blue and red color in the clouds from last Sunday.
Then, on my way out to the car that afternoon, the sky was vibrant, and the yellow-green of the trees was super-saturated, so out came the LX-7 and I had a theme! GoGo.
Not much else to say.
Everything was shot with the LX-7, mostly at 35 or 50mm (with one 28mm and one 90mm thrown in for good measure), all but one wide open (the clouds at 28mm were at f/2), and everything on Aperture Priority mode. Pictures were processed in Lightroom, for maybe 30 seconds each, mostly to get the RAW files back to what they looked like in the jpeg preview on the back of the camera, which pretty much means I should probably start shooting that camera in jpeg or jpeg/RAW mode.