Inspired/Reminded by a couple of recent ‘Walkscapes’ Ben Lowy posted to his Instagram, I opened up [unnamed app*] again today and had a bit of fun.
There’s a bit of Jason Salavon in this, and in the whole process, so there’s some art-historical cred to it, I suppose, and there are some possibilities to tell some interesting stories, perhaps. Alhamdulillah, and thanks for the reminder, Ben!
The first two were shot walking into work; the last two (three) on the drive home.
iPhone 5, [unnamed app]; 4 pictures edited in Lightroom 5; 1 edited in Filterstorm.
*Ben is being a bit secretive about his process, and I don’t want to rain on his parade,** but I’m almost positive he’s using a particular app. If he’s not, he should be, because this particular app renders pictures in the same way he describes, all for $.99.
**not that this blog gets much traffic…