FilmLab beta 0.1.2 added support for older phones, including the iPhone 5. Since I happen to be holding on to my iPhone 5 for some unknown reason, I figured I’d test it too, and, God willing, I’ll continue to test both in future releases.

For this test, I tried: Superia XTRA 400, shot in the Nikon FE with the 35mm f/2 D; FPP RetroChrome, shot in the Nikon FE/35mm f/2 D combo and the Sprocket Rocket; hand-rolled Konica 160, from the Olympus XA; and Kodak Portrait 160, from the Yashica Mat-124.

tl;dr: results this time were about the same as with the iPhone 7: great difficulty finding frames. But I’m happy to report that it works fine in the iPhone 5.

I’m not going to make any comments, really. I think the results are obvious, and I wonder if I’m doing something wrong…

Superia XTRA 400, Nikon FE, 35mm f/2 D

FPP RetroChrome 500, Nikon FE, 35mm f/2 D

FPP Retrochrome 500, Sprocket Rocket

After the trouble it had with the half frame (and everything else I through at it), I didn’t have high hopes, but it surprised me by getting the color rightish on the first attempt.


The warp probably didn’t help, but it made virtually no attempt to capture a frame here, not that there’s much that’s obvious to capture.

Hand-rolled Konica 160 Pro, Olympus XA

It did manage to acquire, almost, a couple of frames on this roll. It’s still overexposing some, I think, but that could be something in the negatives too.

Kodak Portra 160, Yashica Mat-124

I was simultaneously disappointed and surprised…

Disappointed, because it refused to find a square frame. Perhaps it’s only designed for 35mm?

Surprised, because it cropped to something like a panoramic frame… I guess it always does this, but, this actually looks like a panoramic frame, almost, unlike the other fails. It’s probably because of the obvious edges, the obvious crop. Usually, it crops something strange.

One other thing to report on the iPhone 5… I think it focuses closer than the iPhone 7. It certainly seemed to, anyway.


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