I was one of the 51 backers that helped kickstart analog.cafe, a “creative outlet that publishes outstanding images and stories… works based on skill, imagination, innovation and diversity” and founded by @dmitrizzl back in May, 2017. The website went live on August 1, and I received the reward—a limited edition zine featuring a photograph from @chichic on the cover—back in October.

The zine isn’t available anywhere, but the website continues, so go and visit, show them some love, maybe submit an article, and spread the analog love, the only kind of love there really is.

Analog.Cafe the zine contains a mixture of short photo essays, short written pieces, and a small portfolio of Chi’s work. I had largely forgotten just how measly my measly pledge was, and for some reason expected a glossier, more substantial, book-like zine.

Silly me! My $5 CAD went to fund the creation of analog.cafe the website: this zine was merely an incentive, and it’s quite substantial and just right for what it is: 8 pages of color and black & white xeroxes, folded into a 16 page folio. It’s nice and lo-fi, and it works.


I’m very happy I was able to contribute a tiny bit to the creation of analog.cafe, and I’m thrilled to have some of Chi’s work in print, even in lo-fi. The other essays are insightful and/or entertaining, much like the website, which you should go and visit.

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