Many weeks ago, I bought a grab bag of photo gear from my dad. I did a little unbagging on Twitter, if you’re interested, and in short, wound up with a complete Olympus OM10 kit: OM10, with the manual adapter; 28mm G.Zuiko, 50mm F.Zuiko, 75-150 f/4 Zuiko; Olympus T20 flash, plus cables and brackets and things for taking it off camera; a bunch of filters and other random stuff.
One of these days, I’ll do a full review of it, but not today…
In my ongoing struggle to find photos to post, I stumbled across these four photographs, made on an impromptu walk around a little park Hana and I stumbled upon during one of our locked-down drive-arounds that we do to both get out of the house for a bit and stay far away from other humans.

I shot the whole roll of Foma 200 with a Nikon Y52 deep yellow filter and a 52>49 step up ring to get a bit more definition in leaves and things… worked ok, more or less, for the outdoor things, and, of course, I didn’t bother to take it off indoors, which only really dropped the exposure a stop or so.
Oh well. It worked well enough in the park and gave some nice differentiation in foliage.
The OM10 is a great little camera, and the example I have is in great, barely-used shape. With its manual adapter, it’s relevantly similar to my Nikon FG, albeit slightly larger, and is nearly identical to the Nikon EM (the predecessor to the FG) in base functionality. One of these days, maybe I’ll do a shoot out between the two, maybe compare the Zuiko lenses to their Nikon counterparts (the 75-150s, anyway). Don’t hold your breath… I continue struggling with my general lack of enthusiasm and recent repeated failures with my scanning rig have my interest levels at historic lows.
Oh well. I’m happy with this picture, anyway. Maybe you’ll enjoy it too:

And when in doubt, walk your camera!*
*Maybe this should be my new mantra. Could work, maybe, at least to get me out the door.