As with most of the cameras I took to Arkansas in April, 2021, I shot two rolls through the excellent little Minolta Freedom Vista (aka Riva Panorama): one of Lomography Color 400, with which I had great difficulty color correcting, and I don’t know why; the other of FPP Retrochrome 400, which was easy…
First up: the strangely colored Lomo Color 400:

I loaded the Lomography Color up before I even left for Arkansas, but shot the majority of it on the drive up and int he first few days there. Note the persistent purple coloring that I just could’t get rid of in many hours of struggle.

Panoramas, regardless of poor color, look best horizontal, I think, but really do work in vertical too.
And the Minolta Freedom Vista is a great little camera. No surprise that a) 35mmc rated it very highly and b) that prices on the used market are crazy as a result.
I finished the roll on an early morning walk in downtown Eureka Springs.
Stay tuned: there are many more, nearly the whole roll of FPP Retrochrome 400, coming very soon…