Leaving this here in hopes that I’ll remember and try to put this one into regular rotation: I’m in deep need of it, for sure… Abu Musa reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to pray اللهم اغفر لي خطيئتي وجهلي، وإسرافي في أمري، وما أنت أعلم به مني، اللهم اغفر لي جدي …
Author Archives: James Cockroft
Barnaby Nutt, ed – ‘No Constructive Conclusions’
‘No Constructive Conclusions’ collects work shot around Katowice, Poland, and the Silesian Metropolis by Wojtek Mszyca, Pavel Pětroš, and Ian Barnaby Nutt. After meeting on Flickr, Wojtek invited the others to visit him in Poland and shoot around his hometown. Pavel and Barnaby went at different times, and later, the three put their photographs together and exhibited the …
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Brian David Stevens – ‘Beachy Head’
Beachy Head is a beautiful collection of photographs, made over a 12 month period by Brian David Stevens at Beachy Head, the highest chalk sea cliff in Britain, rising to 162 meters (531 ft) above sea level. The peak allows views of the south east coast from Dungeness in the east, to Selsey Bill in the …
who do you trust?
Many years ago, I was talking to my friend the DJ. He told me some about a mission trip he took to Africa, and said something to the effect that over there, where people live closer to the land and the natural environment, you more clearly see the hand of God in the world, but …
Ah, Canon Sure Shot 115u, I hardly knew ya
I spotted this pretty little camera in the back of the jewelry case at my local Goodwill a month or so ago, hemmed and hawed for about 10 minutes, bought it, ran 3 rolls through it, then packed it up and sent it off to my EmulsiveSanta recipient last week. It’s not a bad camera …
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baby steps
Islam is not about perfection. Allah is alone in His perfection. Islam—the submission to the will of Allah, obeying His commandments, and following the teachings of the prophet, peace be upon him—is about striving for perfection. It’s not a race; it’s a lifelong journey. And like many journeys, there are detours, false starts, breakdowns: it’s …
Arimoto China – ‘ariphoto selection vol. 8’
Arimoto Shinya’s ariphoto series (and zines) documents his encounters with Tokyo wildlife: grinning elderly men with missing teeth; punks, goths, and heshers; hippy bikers; dog walkers; cosplay girls; homeless; I could go on. The tagline on his website sorta says it all: “TOKYO, SEEN BY MY EYES, IS AN ECOSYSTEM WITH MAGNIFICENT CIRCULATION.” I was excited to …
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