Mom and I were on our way to lunch one day, and she suddenly wheeled into a gravel parking lot outside what appeared to be a wildly painted storage shed, and said “I’ll give you 15 minutes.” I had no idea what I was in for…
Author Archives: James Cockroft
Arkansas 2: at Mom’s
Mom has a nice house in a tiny community on top of a mountain on the outskirts of Eureka Springs. Her view is beautiful, Glory be to God, and with the unusually late fall color—trees are usually bare by this time of the year: hooray for climate change, I guess—I got rather snap-happy.
Driving to Arkansas
I had some vacation time eating a hole in my timesheet and to maximize it, I took off November 17-23. Thursday-Wednesday may seem like an odd choice, perhaps, but add in the Thanksgiving holiday (November 24 and 25 this year) and I got 11 days for the price of 5… I spent the first 4 days on …
New Toy!
I’ve wanted one of these for awhile… Alhamdulillah, now I have one!
ISO 6?
I’m intimately familiar with 100 and 400. My favorite black & white film, at present, is the incredible Polypan F 50. I’ve pushed Kentmere and HP5+ to 1600 and pulled some Digibase 2 stops to 50. But ISO 6? Insanity…
I’m not much one for social media, but I recently made a concerted effort to take part in Twitter, and, to be honest, it’s quite fun. Granted, Twitter isn’t the most obvious for photo-related stuff, what with the 140 character maximum and relatively recent support for photos, but the community there is vibrant and active, and …
Happy Thanksgiving* (US)!
All thanks and praise belong to Allah alone, without any partners. He, who provides us with benefit and harm in measure, to test and strengthen our faith. It is Allah who created the heavens and the earth and sent down rain from the sky and produced thereby some fruits as provision for you and subjected …