Unboxing ‘The Film Photography Handbook’

Chris Marquardt and Monica Andrae’s The Film Photography Handbook is an English translation of 2015’sĀ Absolut analog. The translation is good and, from what I’ve read, a bit of German-ness shines through in some of the phrasing and aphorisms. It’s written mostly for newbies and the curious digital shooter, and because it’s Chris, it’s primarily a …

Unboxing Mossless #3 & #4

“MOSSLESS is run by Romke Hoogwaerts and Grace Leigh out of their apartment in Brooklyn, New York. Their publications focus on photographers who are actively contributing to online culture.” I follow their tumblr and it alerted me to their Kickstarter for Issue 4. I picked up Issue 3 The United States (2003-2013) and Issue 4 Public/Private/Portrait for a relative song, …

a quick one on privilege

I meant for this to be quick, but it got a bit long and rambling, as is usual for many of my posts… tl;dr some of the things I take for granted, some of the very small things in life, simple little experiences as a child, everyday sort of stuff, are precisely the sorts of …

10 Ways to Avoid Punishment in the Afterlife

From a lecture by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, which he derived from Ibn Taymiyyah’s Punishment By the Hellfire is Repelled By Ten CausesĀ by Ibn Tamiyyah, a reminder to me first… Life is short. Like it or not, we’re all going to die. If you adhere to one of the monotheistic faiths, you’re likely aware of …