an open apology

Over the past couple of months, I’ve significantly increased the number of Islamic reminders,  rumination, and rejoinders that I post to this blog, and in my zeal, I’m afraid that I offended some family members and old friends. I’ve also begun responding to uninformed and/or specious claims about my faith or my ±1.6 billion brothers and sisters in …

Apples and Errors

I got off work yesterday at 2:30pm and arrived home by 3:15 or so. I had a very brief nap, shot a quick unboxing video of the SP-445 and had it posted by 5:15. By 6:15, I had two negatives drying in the shower and was changing clothes to go mow the lawn. I expected …

LensBaby +10 Macro filter and the Graphic View

Come to find out, the Graflex Optar 135mm f/4.7 has the same 37mm filter thread as the LensBaby Muse… I rearranged my office last week and came across the +3 and +10 filters that I’ve rarely, if ever used, looked at them, noticed the similar size, and decided something had to be done.