I inherited a shiny little Ricoh 35-ZF some time ago and put a couple of rolls through it back during my photowalk days in 2011 or 2012 (and started another that took me 2+ years to finish). While I liked it well enough, it did have two annoying little issues. First off, the strap lugs made this great clacking sound at the …
Author Archives: James Cockroft
Unboxing JCH Street Pan
After a bit of hemming and hawing, and after Fuji announced it was discontinuing some multipacks of its professional and consumer films (it may or may not be true…), and after writing a rather passionate comment in support of all film manufacturers on the Japan Camera Hunter site (see the comments here), I pulled the trigger …
Nikon FG – dirty frame counter switch: SOLVED
Some months ago, I noticed something odd going on with the FG. Every now and again, at seemingly random moments, the 60/125 lights would start blinking and it would fire at 1/90th only until I opened the back and reset the counter. It would then function as normal: 1/90th for the first few frames, then normal operation, …
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Rumman and Lisa’s Gaye Holud…
One of the fun things about being married to someone from a different culture is all the strange wonderfully different cultural events you get to experience, and that you probably wouldn’t otherwise. And no wonder, as Allah azza wa jall said: يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ …
ICI Dawah – Department of Grocery Services
The Islamic Center of Irving dawah department collects dry goods to distribute to needy people in the DFW area. Most of the collections go to local relief organizations, and recently a small portion is set aside to distribute directly to the local population. We distributed bags of groceries today, and may Allah make them nourishment for the needy, a means …
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The After Shahada Project walks Lake Carolyn
Better late than never, InshaAllah. About a year ago, the Islamic Center of Irving hired a new outreach director, and one of his first acts was to start up a class to teach converts and reverts about their religion. We meet every Sunday at 4 upstairs in the old part of the Islamic School of …
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All Strength and Power belong to God
Last weekend, after a string of hired lawn care professionals, I decided to retake the reigns and start getting some honest exercise again. So on my way home from work last Friday, I stopped by the Home Depot and grabbed some 40:1 oil for the weed eater, came home, fetched the gas can and went to …