Return of the Espio Returns (2): fully automated

As mentioned previously (here, here, and here), the Pentax Espio 35-70 AF Zoom is a fully automatic camera. I’ve cursed some of its automation in those earlier articles, but if you make some peace with it, accept (and understand its limitations) and just shoot, you can make some pictures with it. In fact, I think …

Return of the Espio Returns (1): Kentmere 100 @ 320

If you recall, a couple of weeks ago, I experimented a bit with scratching the a couple of bits of paint off of the film canister to change the DX codes and fool the Espio into thinking it was shooting 320 speed film, rather than the 100 that the Kentmere was originally coded at. I …

Converting Negatives the Easy Way!

While struggling to get through a backlog of negatives, and only due to the will and mercy of Allah azza wa jall, I remembered a discussion about color correction with the levels panel and decided to give it a try. After only 5 or 6 minutes, I realized that this a much better method than …

Photobooks of the year? – Dave Heath – ‘Multitude, Solitude’ / Ivars Gravlejs – ‘Early Works’

I’m a bit of a sucker for the photo book of the year lists… When some photographer or critic that I admire picks a book of the year, I’m likely to be entering my Paypal password before I even realize it, and I end up with something that may or may not be my cup …

Square Print face-off: Artifact Uprising vs. Parebo

I’ve had a nebulous desire to start printing some of my photographs for several years, but haven’t really had the funds or the impetus to do much of anything about it. Sure, I jumped on a couple of groupons and printed a couple of books for gifts, but good printing can get expensive and a …