Ramdan is expressly a month for worshiping God, for prayer (salat), rememberance (dhikr), and supplication (dua). He ordained fasting for us so that we might become Al Muttaqun, those people who are filled with taqwa, with piety and righteousness. At its best, the practice of self restraint in the month helps increase our patience, reminds …
Author Archives: James Cockroft
© 2015 Instagram???
I happened across a link to an instagram image today and discovered the new layout and design for the web version.* It’s pretty slick, but I noticed one thing that I found interesting… can you guess what it is?
Dua upon breaking the fast
ذَهَـبَ الظَّمَـأُ، وَابْتَلَّـتِ العُـروق، وَثَبَـتَ الأجْـرُ إِنْ شـاءَ الله “The thirst has gone and the veins are quenched, and reward is confirmed, if Allah wills.”
Naps are Sunnah
and sometimes necessary… Alhamdulillah.
Ramadan Sunset (1)
Ramadan Mubarak!
May Allah azza wa jall guide us all to the best of this blessed month, may He give is the strength and focus to fast with our eyes, tongues, ears, and hands as easily as with our stomachs, and may He bring us closer to Him and His Mercy. Amin.
Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (4)
The Ansco was/is a beautiful film. I’m glad to have another roll to shoot… I think I’ll stick it in the freezer for now, and use it for something special. And the R3 Monobath is an excellent, easy developer. I look forward to using it again… I should probably pick up a couple of rolls …