Digital Darkroom Software Review: Intro

As mentioned a couple of days ago, I’m looking to replace Lightroom (and Photoshop… and Apple) in my photography workflow, and to that end, I’m testing RAW file editing and digital photo softwares to see what my options are. Before I start posting my results (there’s one already tested and discarded), I thought it might …

Ansco Versapan 125

I loaded the old film into the old camera today, and thought maybe you’d like to see the unboxing… Do people share unboxings of old, expired black & white film? Well, I guess I do… especially since it’s kinda cool. So I acquired this film from the bay… $9.95 + shipping. Good deal? Average? Rip …

Coming Soon… or Sometime, InshaAllah

Just a head’s up, the blog may go a bit quiet for a bit. I have two projects in mind, both just begun: First, Adobe’s recent update to Lightroom, while exciting, has me looking at alternatives. Combine that with Apple’s current computer offerings (and the direction their products seem to be heading), I’m looking again …

Thirty Six… sixth post is the last, methinks

While I claimed earlier that Thirty Six forces users to slow down, that’s exactly what I didn’t do with these… And maybe that’s one of the best things about this app: it’s ideal for short-ish, limited photowalks, and similarly perhaps for specific projects of whatever 12- or 36-shot duration you might have. It’s a great …

Thirty Six goes to Maghrib

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “He who purifies (performs Wudu’) himself in his house and then walks to one of the houses of Allah (mosque) for performing an obligatory Salat, one step of his will wipe out his sins and another step will elevate …

Thirty Six, during and after the rain

Alhamdulillah, April showers have been plentiful this year. And Thirty Six performed admirably with my “Another Day” film stock. Actually, I think a couple of shots (the square ones) were probably shot with the built-in 400 WC 120 roll. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this app is fun. It forces you …

Thirty Six gone for a walk

One of the luxuries of getting off work early is being able to take walks with my darling, adorable wife in the mid afternoon. There’s a new housing development going in across the street where we usually go to walk. I’ve shared some pictures from there before, including one of Hana descending a staircase. Well, …