Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you enjoy this gift: an almost review of VSCOcam!
Author Archives: James Cockroft
Aging Tulips (like a feather)
Black & Wednesday for 12 February 2014.
Aging Tulips
Macro Monday for 10 February 2014.
Unnatural (Jeff Koons)
I think these look like Jeff Koons paintings… something about the color and the gloss or something methinks… A fitting way to end Unnatural week…
Unnatural flowers somehow look a bit more natural in Black & White.
Unnatural (Crazy Daisies)
FYI: Daisies don’t come in bright blue… nor magenta, nor orange, nor red. These were fed colored water, I think. Wholly unnatural, but captivating nonetheless. Allah has truly made us a creative species. Would that we could use that creativity to make more beauty and less destruction.
Where there’s smoke…
an impromptu phoneography post…