Happy Martin Luther King Day! May this day serve to remind us of 1) the power of the people to change living, working, economic, cultural, etc. conditions; 2) the right of the people to push back against those in power, the local/regional/national government, and any other entity or entities that cause the undesired state of …
Author Archives: James Cockroft
Dusk, as it’s happening
Cindi Lauper (Hair Studies, revisited)
I had a little play-around with one of the shots from the first Macro Monday and really like the results. Fun stuff.
a Teaser…
I’m working on a review of this fun little app, but it (the review) has taken on a life of its own, and isn’t quite ready yet. Next week, InshaAllah. Until then, please enjoy this teaser pic for Phoneography Friday, 17 January 2014.
Black & Wednesday for January 15, 2013. My wife is beautiful, wonderful, and more than I ever hoped for.
(Sodium) Light & Shadow
Just a random iPhone shot for your enjoyment. Enjoy!
Lens Baby Macro Fun, part 1
I was wondering what options I had for Macro, and remembered the screw-on filters I received with the Lens Baby…*