Avatar, abstracted

Its about time for a new avatar, methinks. The current one on almost all social media is from 2012, and I’ve lost a bit of weight and gained a few grey hairs in the interim. This one isn’t really in the running, as it’s just a mashup of the current one (from 2012) and a …

7/52-50 Phoning it in, poorly

Well, I just didn’t even try this week. Too busy with other stuff. Makes me wonder if I should give up this photography hobby altogether. I’m ashamed to even be posting these, and I have no plans to post these pictures to G+ or anywhere else. If you clicked this far, apologies, but maybe this …

7/52-48 Thanksgiving!

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving! I am thankful for so much this year, I can barely begin to express it all. At the risk of incensing some readers, and with full knowledge that I’ll leave out innumerable blessings, here’s a short list: Allah azza wa jal, the clear guidance that He sent down to us through His …

7/52-47 housplants, weeds, bouquets

I had no idea what to shoot this week (as usual) and so decided that this would be a good opportunity to for a macro week. GoGo. But what lens to use? My first thought was to use the Vivitar 50mm f/1.8, but when I went to the the shelf with all the film cameras …