I’ve had this on my list for awhile, but kept putting it off… I’m glad I finally got around to it, as I learned a few things.
Author Archives: James Cockroft
7/52-29 @10mm and Looking up
Not sure what happened here.
But whatever it is, I’m glad it did…
Just playing around.
7/52-28 Skies, Dive, Dried
First off, let me just apologize for the complete lack of a coherent theme, largely poor composition, and general lack of subject (beyond “pretty”). No excuses. Whew. Busy week. 10 and 11 hour meetings at work had me going in late and coming home later, which made for different lighting conditions than I’m used to …
7/52-27 phoning it in
aka one camera (app) one lens(/film filter) #2 It was a busy, stressful, and wildly exciting week for me, and I had no idea what I wanted to shoot, until I saw this picture from Instagram user @blumenkraft, and off I went! Much thanks to Jochen Spalding for this hipstarecipe, without which you’d likely be …
7/52-26 the carpark at dawn
I’m disappointed with my photographic output this week. I have some excuses, and they’re good ones, but I won’t put them forward. Had I realized this week marked the halfway point in the project, I might’ve taken some extra care to ensure I had some quality shooting time. Alas. Let this be a reminder to …