For weeds, they sure make a nice salad…
Author Archives: James Cockroft
7/52-11 Unexpected Egrets
For this week’s 7/52, I decided that the theme would be “not at home; not at work” and made ‘limited’ myself to shooting in areas outside of a 100 yard radius of my apartment or desk cubicle, and also disallowed shooting from the car window. One of my main goals with this hobby is to …
Phoneography Friday #5
Shot with ProCamera’s zoom function, and pixels tortured in Filterstorm. This is the first time I’ve used the zoom function on any iPhone app, and I quite like the results. The quality of the original is not particularly good, but it did provide an interesting starting point and was capable of being manipulated into something …
MM #5: Is it really? I’m not so sure…
This bad picture is sort of a teaser for something I’ve been thinking about whilst munching a piece or three (or 13) of (not) dark (enough) chocolate most night after dinner, while watching a bit of tele before bed. Some nights, these happy platitudinous advertising messages bother me less than other nights; some nights I …
7/52-10 the Castillian at Night
This was an interesting and rather difficult 7/52. Sunday came and went with no thought at all for the week’s project. Monday came and went with no thought at all for the week’s project. Tuesday found me wide awake at 2am; up, showered, dressed for work, and sipping coffee by 3:45, with nowhere to go …
Phoneography Friday #4
For Photojojo University, class #1 An iPhone Camera Primer. The assignment: “Misuse the HDR setting on purpose. Shake your camera mid-shot while using HDR to get a sweet double-exposure effect.” Note: this is an outtake. You can follow my #PJUniversity coursework on Instagram @jamescockroft (note, however, that my profile is set to Private, so I’ll …
Midweek Macro #4
Pretzel Salt. D7000. Vivitar 50mm f/1.8 (Cosina), reversed on ~100mm extension. About 12 seconds of processing in Lightroom (slight boost to contrast, saturation, clarity).