It started when I noticed some leaves reflected in the window of the open door. Out came the LX7, which captured the scene nicely-enough, but I wanted to shoot the D7000 and some manual lenses, so back went the LX7, and out came the D7000 and Vivitar 70-210mm f/3.5. The interaction between the eye/brain and …
Author Archives: James Cockroft
Phoneography Friday #3
I had an idea to create a process post, with examples from every stage of a few minutes of app play, but then I ended up liking the original image far more than anything that came after… Maybe next week. Cortex Camera takes a dozen or so images and smashes them down into a single …
Midweek Macro #3
So. I left the macro shot for pretty much the last minute, and guess what? I’m not happy with it. I would go into my archives and pull one, but I’m in a really foul mood just now, so I won’t. I took this with the LX7, AP mode, f/1.4, 1/60th, ISO400, and gave it …
7/52-08 Macrobstractions
Well, I suppose I was a bit lazy this week, but I did want to shoot some Macro Abstractions again—it has been awhile, after all—and I am in the middle of building my own WordPress theme and doing some site optimization, so my shooting time was a bit limited. It was mostly laziness, though. At …
Phoneography Friday #2
From last Saturday’s MeetUp at White Rock Lake. I somehow went a whole week without shooting anything with the phone… Shame on me. I’ll try to keep my head in the game in the future. In other news, I finally figure out how to post from the phone! Go Me!
Midweek Macro #2
D7000. Nikkor 24mm f/2.8ai, reversed. ISO800, 1/40th (AP mode), f/2.8, -1EV, 30 seconds of slider play in Lightroom 4.
Sunrise at White Rock Lake
The North Texas Photography Explorers MeetUp Group met up at the White Rock dog park for some sunrise shooting and general photowalking last Saturday. It was cold, and I lost my mojo by about 7:30, and I tried a sort of experiment that largely failed, but I had a good time and ended up with 2 …