I don’t quite know why, but I got myself really worked up, agitated, stretched too thin, at work today, and the heat that accompanied the drive home, along with the multiple instances of poor blinker management and, shall we say, a rather avant garde attitude toward lane markers got me even more excited, and not in a …
Author Archives: James Cockroft
365.216 between Planck and Inflation, perhaps
Big thanks to Rob Weiher over at G+ for pointing out the fabulous light-manipulating properties of the LensBaby! I took a cosmology course at the community college many years ago, and I’m often surprised by 1) how much I remember from that class (like Planck), especially given how long ago it was and how much, …
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365.215 Abstraktes Bild (Cuddly)
So… I’m very happy with this one. It’s just so soft and friendly and cuddly-looking, like a big fluffy comforter, perhaps, or a large pit full of large balls of yarn. At the same time, there’s something menacing about it too, that I only just noticed when looking at it at 1/10th size in the …
365.214 Ohne Titel
At every stage of the editing process, I thought of a different title: the new oil, breaking surface tension, Violence: breaking tensions, and so on. Yet when I decided it was done, it seemed to work better without a title (though, to be honest “Ohne Titel” is itself a title of sorts…). I also tried a number of …
365.213 …and the possibilities…
Vacuum created by the arrival of freedom and the possibilities it seemed to offer -from “Up The Hill Backwards,” by David Bowie, from Scary Monsters… Also… more idols than realities, ooo-hooo, I’m ok, you’re so so Awesome. Anyway… I messed around with this a bunch, but came back to a relatively unaltered one (relatively). Strange thing: I tried …
365.212 time keeps on slippin slippin slippin
I spent some time experimenting this afternoon, and didn’t get very close to what I was going for… more experimentation will be required. But at least I got something I could work with, and I’m actually rather happy with the way this appears to be off-center, due to the darker portion in the middle right. …
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365.211 main point of reference
So this might end up being my final entry for Levi Moore’s sliproject… from Brian Eno’s “Back in Judy’s Jungle,” Taking Tiger Mountain – By Strategy: File under ‘Futile:’ That should give you its main point of reference It’s all so confusing, what with pythons and then deadly flies And I think this captures, if nothing …