Jacob Aue Sobol – ‘With And Without You’

With And Without You is a retrospective/best of book of photographs by Jacob Aue Sobol, featuring selections from four published projects—Sabine, The Gomez Brito Family, I, Tokyo, By the River of Kings, and Arrivals and Departures—and three unpublished (at time of publication) projects—Home, America, and Road of Bones. If you can’t find (or afford) the published projects, and want to see …

Vacation, Shmaycation… but at least it was foggy for part of the drive home.

Once the heat of the Texas summer finally broke, I needed a break. I felt a little bit stressed and really rather depressed, and I made plans to drive up to visit Mom in Northwest Arkansas, rest some, sit on the deck and look out at the trees, the valley, the picturesque little farm down …

Mary Ellen Mark – ‘on the Portrait and the Moment’

Mary Ellen Mark on the Portrait and the Moment is the most recent (last?) volume in Aperture’s Photography Workshop Series, and was published in 2015, shortly before Mark’s death. As with other volumes in the series, it’s full of wisdom, acquired through decades of professional photographic practice, and for under $30, probably about as close as I’m …

Larry Fink – ‘on Composition and Improvisation’

Larry Fink on Composition and Improviation is the second (I think) volume in Aperture’s Photography Workshop Series,* the second one I acquired, and didn’t initially find much it in to apply to my own practice. But after spending a few months with it, I find some of his ways of looking keep popping into my head …

Stephen Shore – ‘Stereographs: New York, 1974’

In 1974, Stephen Shore, always ready to explore new photographic tools and techniques, acquired a  Stereo Realist camera and began exploring “the puzzle of how to most effectively translate the real world into a successful “3-D” image given the particulars of the technology. ‘I was interested in seeking out situations in which the camera was doing …

Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb – ‘Memory City’

For Memory City, Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb took five trips to Rochester, NY over the year following Kodak’s bankruptcy, when Kodak, and, indeed film photography in toto, seemed almost certainly on its last legs. Thankfully, by the time Webb and Norris Webb finished their trips, and certainly by the time Memory City came out, Kodak …