Tim Dobbs – ‘London New York Pontycymmer’

In ‘London New York Pontycymmer… A day in the artist’s studio,” Tim Dobbs takes us on a tour of Kevin Sinnott’s home and studio. I’d call Sinnott’s painting “expressionist figurative” or “figurative expressionism,” something like that: brushy, splotchy, sketchy, a bit comical in some ways (the few in the zine, anyway: I’m not familiar with Sinnott’s …

FP4Partying with the Cambo C2 roll film holder

I’m not sure where I got the itch for a 6×7 format camera, but I’ve had it for awhile. I thought seriously about buying an RB or RZ 67 camera some years ago when the prices were still cheap, and every now and again go looking at Mamiya 7s and Plaubel Makina 67s and Pentax …