It’s an FP4+ Party! (and brief review)

Ilford’s FP4+ is the newest version of its excellent, medium speed, cubit grain, panchromatic black & white stock. The first FP4 appeared 10 years before I was born, and the Plus version  appeared in 1990. I shot my first roll of it back in 2015, and over the past year and a bit, I’ve taken part in 5 iterations of Emulsive’s FP4 Party, and expect to do so again next month (and next year, if it’s still going), so it’s something of a mainstay for me. I vastly prefer it to Delta 100 and TMAX 100: they’re too clean, what with their T-Grain emulsions. And FP4 is somewhat superior to its slightly cheaper stable-mate, Kentmere 100. It’s really a great film. Continue reading “It’s an FP4+ Party! (and brief review)”

Al Fatiha

When I first opened the Quran and read Al Fatiha, I was struck: out of all the Holy Books I read—the Bible, the Mahabharata and Baghavad Gita, the Book of Mormon, and others—none began like this, with such comprehensive worship of God, and such a thorough explanation of the belief system itself. Alhamdulillah!
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Four Matthew Crowther zines

A couple of months back, I heard Matthew Crowther mentioned in a podcast (or maybe interviewed on one?), went to his site to check out his work, and ended up ordering a couple of zines.* A week or so went by, and I got an email apologizing for shipping delays, and another week or two after that, I got a package with 5 zines in it: Listen… I’ve been drinking vol. 1Listen… I’ve been drinking vol. 2: When the summer ends.Nothing can hurt meAll I Ever Wanted 2; and All Night Long Vol. 17, a split zine with Nathan Pearce (of Midwest Dirt fame).


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‘Edward Weston: Fiftieth Anniversary Portfolio’

Edward Weston: Fiftieth Anniversary Portfolio‘ is a beautifully printed reproduction from Michael Smith and Paula Chumlee‘s Lodima Press. A copy of the original, owned by Ansel and Virginia Adams, is in the Weston Archive at the Center for Creative Photography, and Bonham’s auctioned off an original in 2013 for $80,500, so a reproduction, especially one as handsome as this, is a great thing to have available, 65+ years after the original came out.

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