Six Pillars – Introduction

For the past year, I’ve attended the After Shahada Project classes with Imam Nick Pelletier at the Islamic Center of Irving. In Season 1, we covered the 3 questions of the grave (I might dig into those in the future) from “The Three Fundamental Principles,” a 12th century tract by Imam Abdul Wahhabi, and it was a blessing to get the basics of the faith from one madhab, one source, one solid perspective.

Season 2 started in late July, and we’re working our way through the 6 Pillars of Iman. For those unaware, being a practicing Muslim requires us to strive in three aspects: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan. Islam is the practical, active part, and it’s composed of five different actions of the tongue and limbs. Iman is the set of beliefs we hold, of which there are six. Ihsan is the more metaphysical side of the faith, and achieving Ihsan is a lofty goal to which all Muslims aspire.
Continue reading “Six Pillars – Introduction”

Unboxing ‘Patpong: Bangkok’s Twilight Zone’

Nick Nostitz’s Patpong: Bangkok’s Twilight Zone (London: Westzone, 2000) is not for the squeamish. The photography catalogues the nightlife of Bangkok’s Patpong district during the mid and late 1990s. I heard stories about Bangkok back then: a wild place where you could get and do just about anything, and where you could also wind up in some prison and never be heard from again… seems like the first part was more or less true, and the second, well, not so much.

Continue reading “Unboxing ‘Patpong: Bangkok’s Twilight Zone’”

Eid Mubarak!

Today, Muslims worldwide celebrate Eid al Adha, the Celebration of the Sacrifice, commemorating Abraham’s (yes, that Abraham) sacrifice (yes, that sacrifice) and marking the end of Hajj for the many millions who were fortunate enough to attend this year.

Eid al Adha is the major holiday in Islam, sort of akin to Christmas, but somewhat more somber and without all the decoration. It lasts for four days, during which we worship, sacrifice a sheep, goat, cow, or something, feast and feed neighbors and those less fortunate than us. This is my fourth year to celebrate, and while I’m still not really used to the changed and changing holiday schedule or the customs, InshaAllah I’m getting the worship part down…

May God accept our sacrifice and our other acts of remembrance, and may He bless us all in the coming year. Continue reading “Eid Mubarak!”

Who am I?

Back in June and early July, I started blogging about my faith much more than usual. I left photography for 30 days and instead wrote one post per day to give glory to God during the Holy month of Ramadan. Since then, I’ve continued writing about my faith and giving exhortations to myself first to worship God, give thanks, and try to be a better person. Writing things down helps me to remember, and if any of this reaches and benefits other people who read this blog (hi! and thanks for your time!), all thanks and praise belong to God: any benefit comes only from Him, and any errors are my own.

Some of you know me personally. Some of you have known me for many many years. Some of you are family members. You might be wondering “who the [unprintable] do you think you are telling me _______? Don’t you remember when you _______? Don’t you remember when we _______ and _______? Don’t you remember when I _______ and _______ and _______ for you?”

Well, I’ll tell you precisely who I am and what I think I’m doing here… Continue reading “Who am I?”