I inherited a shiny little Ricoh 35-ZF some time ago and put a couple of rolls through it back during my photowalk days in 2011 or 2012 (and started another that took me 2+ years to finish). While I liked it well enough, it did have two annoying little issues.
First off, the strap lugs made this great clacking sound at the slightest movement, and I never felt particularly stealthy with it, nor did I ever have a strap on it. Presumably, the clicking would be muted with a strap, but I mostly go strapless with little cameras like this.*
But there was a bigger problem…
Don’t get me wrong, light leaks are stylish and all, but a permanent one, in the same spot on every frame, with the only variation dependent on how much light strikes the back of the camera for a particular frame is a bit annoying.
So the Ricoh spent most of its time sitting on the shelf. Continue reading “Missed a Spot!”