Once upon a time, I had a surfeit of color negative film: 2-5 rolls each of multiple 100, 200, and 400 variants from multiple manufacturers/re-rollers, but after shooting film almost exclusively for more than a year, that supply dwindled to dangerously low levels, and as of January 1, 2016 I had one roll each of Lomo Color 100, Porta 160, and Porta 400, plus a couple of rolls each of some discontinued films (Kono Kolorit 400, Lomography Cine 200, Rollei Digibase CN200 Pro) that I wanted to save…
It didn’t take me long to shoot through the readily available, mass-produced stuff.
My first thought was to put in a film order from B&H, but their Labor policies give me pause, and I don’t think I’ll be contributing any of my hard earned money to their business until they manage to get their racist hiring and promotion practices straightened out.
But I digress.
One day, while listening to the Film Photography Podcast, I got a bit of a wild hair and decided to check eBay for some expired film, and after maybe a half hour of research ordered up 6 rolls Kodak HD 400 (expired 11/2015) and 5 rolls of Kodak ProImage 100 (expired 11/2015).
The film came in just in time, and I loaded a roll of the HD400 into the Ricoh 35 ZF, thinking that between the light leaks on the Ricoh and the unknown condition of the HD400, I might get some interesting results…

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