Protect Negatives from Strong Light

I’ve gone and done it again… opened the film back before rewinding the film. This time, it was out of frustration. I shot frame 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and it just kept going, and would’ve likely hit, maybe, 42 or 43: the good people at Lomography just included a few extra frames on this roll.

Disgusted, I opened the back to wind the film on properly and discovered that it was already wound-on and very near the end of the roll… In sha’Allah, the next time that happens I’ll stick the camera into the dark bag and make sure. I mean, I like all the crazy colors, but there were a couple of really nice shots in that last couple of frames, I think. Continue reading “Protect Negatives from Strong Light”

What is that?!?

Kodak HD400 bubble things

In the middle, sorta lower third, sorta on the left, see that round, almost amoeba looking thing?

Down in the lower right hand corner, see the two similar looking things?

Now look closely… they’re all over the place, but only on this one frame, the first full frame from a roll of Kodak HD400 (expired November 2015). There are a couple of similar looking dots on the second frame, but only maybe a couple, and they’re tiny. Continue reading “What is that?!?”

Adox Color Implosion! test

After 20 rolls, I decided it was time to mix up a new batch of C41 chemicals. I intended to order from the Film Photography Project, but they were out at the time. And Given the labor problems at B&H of late (and the fact that they no longer ship Tetenol, for some unknown reason… maybe they think it’s illegal to ship?, but really because if they insist on discriminating against Hispanics (or anyone, for any reason) they don’t need my money, or the money of anyone I can convince to buy from other than B&H),* I didn’t order from them.

So I had to hunt around a bit… Freestyle Photographic  had some, and they’d ship, and I’m unaware of any labor disputes between its owners and employees, so I decided to order from them, and I got them to throw in a couple of rolls of film while they were at it, as my color negative film supply was running a bit low, and they had the Adox Color Implosion in stock too, and at a pretty good price, so I jumped on it. Continue reading “Adox Color Implosion! test”

Compania Imago’s film canisters

The big thing that interested me about Compania Imago is their film canisters… So many individuals and groups out there are winding old expired films into reclaimed canisters and putting new labels on them (and when/if I get a half frame 35mm camera, I plan to start playing with some from Labeauratoire and the friendly people of the Film Photography Project, and I’ve already shot some Cine 200 from Lomography and some Kono Kolorit), but Compania Imago is going one step further, and creating their own film canisters from PLA (plant-derived plastic) and wood pulp. Continue reading “Compania Imago’s film canisters”