Lunch Break!

A couple of weeks ago, my newish boss realized that almost the entire office was not following the Lunch Break policy, and so mandated that we all take lunch breaks. I found it interesting that none of my previous 5 bosses chose to enforce the mandated lunch breaks, but decided to treat it as an opportunity rather than a punishment, so I started going for walks around the office park and its environs and posting pictures to my tumblog.

It now seems that lunch breaks might not be required after all…

A previous boss checked with the HR rep for his department, and that person said that the important part of “lunch breaks must be at least thirty minutes” (in Texas, anyway) is the ‘at least thirty minutes’ and not the ‘lunch break.’ The HR rep for the department my current boss falls under thinks it’s the lunch break part. Hopefully they’ll come to some sort of agreement.

Part of me hopes that they’ll decide it’s the 30 minutes, in which case, I’ll likely go back to not taking a lunch break and leaving 30+ minutes earlier. The rest of me hopes to continue this project.

I need a good project. Whether or not #lunchbreak makes a good project remains to be seen, and I’ll never know if I don’t keep it up.

The above, and this one here, are outtakes from the first lunch break. I didn’t share anything that day. So far, the published #lunchbreak shots have been shot (or processed) with Hipstamatic on the iPhone 5. I’ve shot some film with the LC-A and some ORFs with the C-5050, and if any turn out, I’ll probably share them here, or file them away for rainy days.

I hope you enjoy #lunchbreak! Continue reading “Lunch Break!”

Digital Week! – Two Abstract Pictures for Buy Nothing Day!

It’s Buy Nothing Day, so if you’ve bought something already before receiving the reminder, please accept my deepest apologies. Good news: tomorrow is International Buy Nothing Day, so you still have a chance!

I’ll spare you the anticapitalist screed and just leave you with this: Every Day is a good day to Buy Nothing. Continue reading “Digital Week! – Two Abstract Pictures for Buy Nothing Day!”

Digital Week! – wet roads

The D7000 saw quite a bit of use this year—mostly as an integral part of the Scan-O-Matic 7000 mk ii, iii, and iv—but I hadn’t really shot with it as an actual camera, aside from that day or so of shooting in Chicago.

So I decided to spend a week shooting only the D7000 (and the iPhone, but that’s never far away) to see if I could enjoy it as much as I enjoy film.

I did pretty well, all things considered. I didn’t chimp, but I never did. I didn’t pray-and-spray, but I never did. I only took about 71 shots all week, which isn’t much, given that it’s a digital camera and so shutter activations are more or less free, though it’s about 400% more than I typically shoot on film.


The week started out wet. It rained Sunday night, I guess, and maybe it was still sprinkling a bit when I left for work, so the roads were glossy and everything was clean and shiny. I can honestly say that no film photograph would capture the slick glossiness of the road like a digital camera and modern lens does. Whether that’s a good thing, bad thing, meh thing, or completely immaterial thing is up to you, really.

On to the pictures… Continue reading “Digital Week! – wet roads”