Happy Anniversary Ben & Kristi!

Has it been 15 years already?

Some fun memories of a fun night with some fun people… (with apologies for any awkward expressions captured or any hair/clothing styles that might be depicted and that you might prefer to be lost to the passage of time and forgotten) Continue reading “Happy Anniversary Ben & Kristi!”

Porta 400 Problems

(Note: first wold, leisure-related kvetching ahead—you have been warned.)

I have no idea what went wrong with this roll of Porta 400, but here’s a short list of the issues I encountered:

  • it jammed in the camera and ripped through a frame
  • it coiled up along its length and width immediately upon removal from the canister and if I recall it took me more than an hour to get it onto the reel for developing
  • after developing it straightened out a bit (lengthwise), but remained twisted along its width, which made it very difficult to scan

I’m not sure what it is about the famous, mass-produced, pro-level films, but I think I encountered something similar with another rather expensive film stock.

This roll of Porta 400 was by far the worst I’ve ever experienced, and the remnants of our protracted battle are evident in many/most of the frames. Continue reading “Porta 400 Problems”

Porta 400 and the LensBaby

Some months ago—April, actually—before I went down the Raw Convertor rabbit hole, I burned a roll of Kodak Porta 400 testing out some of the toy/art/fun lenses in my stable.

I loaded the film first, likely in late March or so, but forgot what was in the camera when I decided to test these lenses… had I remembered, I probably would’ve run these tests with a somewhat cheaper film.* But since I didn’t know anything about the Porta, a week or two with three different lenses was as good a workout as any. Continue reading “Porta 400 and the LensBaby”