Compare/Contrast (2)

Well, it took me long enough.

And, interestingly, I got similar results this time too: heavy handed, overcooked, garish. It’s too easy to go too far on a tiny little screen, methinks. Continue reading “Compare/Contrast (2)”

First outing with the Graphic View 4×5

Several months ago, Alex (Dad) gave me his Graphic View 4×5. I’ve used it as a subject a couple of times, but it otherwise languished, wrapped in plastic, precariously balanced on top of the file cabinet since the day I brought it home.

Friday, Alex called to tell me that he found some film holders and film while cleaning up his garage or closet or something, and invited me to come visit him at work and pick them up.

So I did. Continue reading “First outing with the Graphic View 4×5”

Rollei Digibase CN-200 (4) – Random Thoughts

I’ll just put it right out there: I like the look I get from the Digibase. It’s not all brilliance, but it’s a good film, with good sharpness, contrast, color, and saturation. Plus, the polyester base means I can ‘scan’ it without needing color correction.

It’s a shame that it’s discontinued. Continue reading “Rollei Digibase CN-200 (4) – Random Thoughts”

Rollei Digibase CN-200 (3) – at Southfork Ranch

One thing I forgot to mention about the Vintage thing: it was held at Southfork Ranch, the setting for much of the Dallas TV show way back when.

Back in the 70s and 80s, Southfork Ranch was out in the middle of nowhere, and you could fly over miles of open countryside in a helicopter, as they did for parts of the intro, and you might’ve even seen a combine out there.

But Climate Change and suburban/exurban creep ended all that long ago, and even the flyovers for the early 2010s (and ongoing?) remake were shot somewhere else, somewhere far, far away: tract homes are easily visible from the balconies of the house in virtually every direction. Continue reading “Rollei Digibase CN-200 (3) – at Southfork Ranch”

Rollei Digibase CN-200 (2) – at the Vintage Market Days

A month or so ago, Hana, her sister, and I went to the Vintage Market Days. It wasn’t quite what I expected, and there was a noticeable demographic shift when the three of us (two Bengali ladies and a white male) entered: the number of non-white people increased by roughly 200%; the number of males increased similarly, but maybe by only 25% or so. Continue reading “Rollei Digibase CN-200 (2) – at the Vintage Market Days”