Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (3 – problems)

So 50 year old Ansco still has some life in it and the R3 works very well and is super easy to use, but I encountered three problems. A couple are obviously user error, probably all of them are.

Please. If you have any advice or suggestions, please please please pass them on. Continue reading “Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (3 – problems)”

Missy Prince – Selektor III (unboxing)

A week or so ago, I mentioned that I might start shooting and sharing video of the unboxings that I do of different photobooks and whatnot.

Well, here’s my first attempt (really, it’s the second, but that one was a bigger fail even than this one, if you can imagine…):

Continue reading “Missy Prince – Selektor III (unboxing)”

Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (1)

After 6 weeks or so, I finally shot through the first roll of 50 year old Ansco Versapan.

Strangely, it more or less jumped on the reel, so I’m curious to see what—if anything—the edge markings reveal.

Equally strangely, the bottom of the film canister was loose… This was fortunate, since I seem to have lost my church key. I was able to just pop the end off in the darkbag, so I wonder if there will be any pictures on the roll at all.*

Due to its (supposed/purported) age, I shot it at one stop over. It was easy with enough light, but a bit difficult at dusk/dawn.

50 ISO isn’t much.

Continue reading “Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (1)”

Digital Darkroom Software Review: RawTherapee

Program: RawTherapee (version 4.2.1)
Platforms Available Tested: Linux, Mac, Windows
Installation: normal download dmg & drag app to Applications folder (or wherever you like). Easy.

RawTherapee is a very powerful Raw file converter/developer…

And I’ll just leave it at that. If you don’t believe me, just dive in to the RawPedia, the most thorough and easy to use manual that I’ve encountered thusfar. It’s so good, in fact, that every time I go to check something, I find something new to try.

And that’s partly why I’m so behind in this project…

Continue reading “Digital Darkroom Software Review: RawTherapee”

Tell it like it is

David Alan Harvey’s new reprint of Tell it like it is arrived on my doorstep this afternoon. Do people do unboxing videos of books? Probably somewhere…

But if they don’t, they still don’t, since this isn’t a video… just a boring slideshow of an unboxing of a book filled with exceptional photographs of a Virginia family in 1968. Pick up a copy if you can. It’s great.

Continue reading “Tell it like it is”