Hipstamatic Disposable update 11 – 3 years later

I’ve been looking through my archives lately, and I came across the pictures I shot with Hipstamatic’s D series app. I didn’t recognize them at first, but one benefit of keeping a blog going this long is the ability to go back in time.

I wondered how the D series would fare on the iPhone 5. Seeing as I removed the app from the phone some years ago, I headed off to the App Store.  Continue reading “Hipstamatic Disposable update 11 – 3 years later”

From the Archives: the CyberShot DSC-T9

My second digital camera—if you don’t count the one in that Nokia phone, if it even had a camera, and I don’t think it did… I don’t even recall what phone that was, so I don’t—was the Sony CyberShot DSC-T9.

I bought it in 2006 and carried it around fairly religiously until the iPhone 4.

The T9 was much friendlier to me than the Fuji had been. I couldn’t (or didn’t) use it to shoot artwork, but it was near good-enough to take around to parties and take pictures of friends.

That’s pretty much what I used it for too. There’s little in the way of random shots around the house (like I have from every other camera), not much in the way of artistic or nature shots, etc.

But I did find these two. I really like the one at the top.

In some ways, smartphones have more or less replaced little cameras like the T9. I sometimes think about picking up a new pocket compact, but the one I bought to replace this one got sold late last year because it sat on the shelf for almost all of 2014.

These days, the iPhone is good enough for most walk-around purposes, and the LC-A or Ricoh 35 ZF or Nikon FG are small enough and far better image producers than any small-sensor (or large senson) compact camera.


Above is my favorite shot from the T9. And this is my second favorite.out the window, Springfield IL

That’s the  view out of the living room window of the apartment in Springfield, IL where I lived for three years while pursuing my BA. Good color, after some edits, and nice texture from the blinds.

Anyway. I sold the T9 on ebay for $50 or so in 2010. I didn’t package it well enough, and the USPS threw it around and cracked the screen in route to the NYC pawn shop that bought it. I refunded their money and kept the pictures of my friends and family from that time. There are some definite keepers there, if only for me and to aid my memory. Continue reading “From the Archives: the CyberShot DSC-T9”

Ohne Titel

Google released an update for their Snapseed app last week, and it’s a big one.

The interface has been completely redesigned, and there are a couple of new tools. After a couple of days with it, I give it a thumbs up, and I might do a full review of it at some point, though others have already likely covered it more exhaustively than I will. Continue reading “Ohne Titel”