Hana, admiring a curtain
Hana descending a staircase
(after Duchamp) Continue reading “Hana descending a staircase”
vignetting and the LC-A
The LC-A is a groovy little camera: quirky and inconsistent, sure, but groovy nonetheless. Continue reading “vignetting and the LC-A”
Frame 0
I probably could’ve looked this up somewhere on the internets, and I did, in the end, but I was curious how the FG handled frames 00 and 0.
The LC-A meters and exposes them exactly as it does for every other frame on the roll, resulting in regularly achieving 39 or 40 exposures on a 36 exposure roll.
The FG, on the other hand, and like many of its siblings, fires of those frames at a fixed shutter speed. Continue reading “Frame 0”
a digital interlude…
While I’ve been having loads of fun with film, I have another couple of projects in-progress or on hold, and it’s a shame to leave them all twisting in the wind.
So, seeing as a new month is starting up, I’ll interrupt the film fest for this digital interlude.
Happy Groundhog Day! Continue reading “a digital interlude…”
a brief vacation, part 3
After my rant last time, let’s keep this brief, shall we? Continue reading “a brief vacation, part 3”