Wide Angle Battle, Round 1: The Deck

Mom lives on top of a mountain in northwest Arkansas. It’s beautiful there. In late July, 2021, I took four cameras along—Lomography’s LC-Wide, a Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim, a Konica WaiWai, and the Nikon FM3a with the 17-35mm f/2.8D—and they did battle…

I present the contest in the form of a round robin. This is Round 1: featuring photographs made on or from Mom’s deck by the the FM3a, the LC-Wide, and the Ultra Wide & Slim (UWS).

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Coming Soon: the Wide Angle Battle

In preparation for a recent short trip to visit Mom, I thought it might be fun to pit the Konica WaiWai against the Lomo LC-Wide. I then thought it might be a good idea to also add in the Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim, and then remembered my recent purchase of a gently used Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D to use for unboxing videos on the D780, and wondered how it would perform on film. And with that, the Wide Angle Battle began…

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Peter Funch – ‘The Imperfect Atlas’

Peter Funch’s The Imperfect Atlas is an interesting attempt to tackle the subject of climate change in photography. I’m not too sure where I heard about the book. It was Jeff Mermelstein’s favorite photobook of 2019, but by 2019 I was already trying to ignore best-of lists as a money-saving strategy, so I probably heard about and ordered it on swerdnaekalb’s recommendation.

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The Rejects

Andrew Molitor gave one of my things way more attention than it probably deserves, and I’m flattered beyond any sense of reason or propriety. (And full disclosure, I know Molitor a little bit and am therefore predisposed to pretty much like pretty much anything he does. Anyway.) In his review, he mentions that my Eid al Adha zine contains 31 pictures—nearly the whole roll—and more or less correctly assumes that the ones I left out were “the ones that were literally unsalvageable.”

So, here, because I’m still too busy to write a proper post, are The Rejects.

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Alex Prager – ‘Meet the Team!’

Meet the Team! is a sort of zine/catalog/exhibition guide that accompanied Alex Prager’s Farewell, Work Holiday Parties at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, November 21, 2020 – January 3, 2021. It’s somewhat different than Prager’s photographic and film work, but it’s also undeniably Prager.

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Alex Prager – ‘Play the Wind’

Play the Wind‘ was Alex Prager’s exhibition of photographs and video at Lehmann Maupin, September 5 – October 26, 2019, and Play the Wind is the comic-book styled gallery flyer/guide thing from that show. As a fan of Prager’s work that can’t afford her artworks, it was an easy buy.

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