Scenes from the GSV

It’s been awhile, but while working on a training manual I’m writing for work this week, I had the opportunity to visit the GSV a couple of times.

What does the GSV have to do with corporate research? Well, it can reveal if a company existed at at a particular address, at whatever time Google did its drive-by. There are other uses, but let’s pretend they’re trade secrets or something…

I don’t always find interesting things on the GSV, for work or personal reasons, but these caught my eye.

First, the crossed flags on the front of this car… that, and the color just felt right. IMG_6809.JPG
And second, I initially liked the strange digital artifacts in this one… I’m not sure what caused the smearing and all, but it’s groovy.

And then, in looking at it just now, it sorta reminds me of Granny & Grandpa’s house in Riverside… but only sorta.

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Abstraktes bild

I spent all last week with the Nikon 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6 G, shot about 200 frames, all garbage: out of focus due to AF errors arising from (I think) the tiny aperture and me trying to autofocus in the dark; poorly framed and/or horribly distorted, due mostly to laziness, I think. Shots looked great on the back of the camera, and I was excited… Get them in the computer, though, and things change.

It can’t be all bad… I did get this quasi-interesting abstract out of it, and the color is good when it wants to be. It’s just the focus issues… Sheesh. I think it’s a limitation in the D7000’s autofocus engine, but still.

Continue reading “Abstraktes bild”

John S & AO-DLX went for a spin…

So I’ve started listening to TWIP’s newish Street Focus podcast… Don’t ask me why. I don’t shoot street. I guess maybe I admire the people that do, or something.

Anyway, Elif Suyabatmaz (@fisheyedreams on Instagram) shared her favorite Hipsta-recipe, and I decided to give it a quick try by waving the phone around a bit.

Turned out kinda nice, don’t you think?

Continue reading “John S & AO-DLX went for a spin…”

the 28-105 at the Nursery

I suppose it’s not really and truly macro, but at 1:2 (or thereabouts), it’s close enough.


The difference between rocking back and forth to focus and twisting a little ring (or, in the best case, pushing a button) is indescribable. Instead of 8-12 shots to get one that might be in focus, it’s one shot and maybe another to check a slightly different framing. Fun times. Continue reading “the 28-105 at the Nursery”