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Sidewalk Noir
Eid Day Macro Monday
Eid Mubarak!
Today is the first of the Islamic month of Shawwal, and marks the end of fasting. It also marks a return to our regularly-scheduled program.
It’s been fun returning to daily posting for the month of Ramadan, and fun making pictures to match up with Ayat from the Quran. We miss Ramadan already, and may Allah grant us many more, but it’s also nice to get together and build/renew ties with friends and family in the light of day, too.
Alhamdulillah: we are blessed.
For those of you who pray, please say a prayer for all the oppressed people throughout the world, that God give them strength and ease, and that He guide the oppressors to the right path.
For those of you who don’t pray, please keep a good thought for all the oppressed peoples, and hope that their oppressors cease and desist.
Eid Mubarak!
Eid Al Fitr: preparations
Alhamdulillah today is the last day of the Holy month of Ramadan. It pains me to see it go, but all good things must come to an end, and if it’s true that “with hardship comes ease” (and we know that it is!, the converse is also true: with ease comes hardship.
During Ramadan, the gates of Heaven are opened, and the devils are chained, their whispers quieted. Once they’re freed, they’ll be back with a vengeance, calling us to all the wrong things, trying to pull or pry us away from worshiping God.
May Allah keep us steadfast, and may we stay reminded of His Judgment and His Mercy.
Tomorrow is Eid Al Fitr, one of the two major Muslim holidays. It is a celebration of the end of Ramadan, a sort of send-off if you will, and a reminder of the blessings and freedom Allah has given us.
One of the major parts of Eid is going out to visit neighbors and friends, of rekindling bonds and forging new ones.
In that spirit, while my darling wife was busy cooking a wide variety of fried sweets and savories, fresh yoghurt, and other traditional Bengali foods, I whipped up a batch of Granddad’s #1 Chex Mix.
Al Andalus won’t know what hit it InshaAllah.
Al Baqarah 187 (at the fabric shop)
…they are a garment (protection) for you, and you are a garment for them…
This morning found Hana and I at Golden D’Or Fabric outlet out on Harry Hines. InshaAllah I’ll get up the courage to pop into some more of the warehouse stores down there one day. For now, it all seems a bit scary to me.
Alhamdulillah, this was an experience. One that rivaled That Basement (one of you out there might remember it…). Continue reading “Al Baqarah 187 (at the fabric shop)”