‘Redz’ – a G.S.V. self portrait

In something of a return back to the earliest origins of the photography part of this blog—all now sadly lost due to 1) the disappearance of Posterous and 2) my lack of time/desire to find all the pictures and re-upload them—I present these two nice pictures.

I still find it interesting when the omnipresent G.S.V. captures its reflection. Up until this week, I hadn’t spent much time in the street view, not enough to capture any of these, anyway.

Maybe it’s time to revisit some of that older stuff… maybe.

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Explosion of Color

Still sick today, and loads of fun things to do. Alhamdulillah! Allah azza wa jall gave me the strength and will to complete tasks, with some time to rest after, InshaAllah.

So just a quick shot of some flowers I picked up for Hana for our 1 year (since I proposed) anniversary.
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a jumble of clouds

“It is Allah who sends the winds, and they stir the clouds and spread them in the sky however He wills, and He makes them fragments so you see the rain emerge from within them. And when He causes it to fall upon whom He wills of His servants, immediately they rejoice” Surah Ar-Rum, Ayat 48.

9 Ramadan|2|©JamesECockroft-20140707 Continue reading “a jumble of clouds”