Macro Monday 20131230 – Hair studies (1)

Introducing my last planned project for 2014…

Welcome back, Macro Mondays!

This week: Hair!

D7000, Mamiya/Sekor 50mm f/2, reversed, with pop-up flash in Manual mode. Some slight processing in Lightroom 5.

Continue reading “Macro Monday 20131230 – Hair studies (1)”

7/52-52 Hipstamatic to the Rescue!

The end of the year can be a bit confusing, schedule wise, what with all the days off work and all. Last Sunday, I was enjoying a nice visit with Mom up in Arkansas, then back here on Monday to enjoy two days off with Hana, and then back to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, so I didn’t make much time for shooting. Continue reading “7/52-52 Hipstamatic to the Rescue!”

Phoneography Friday 20131227

Phoneography Friday returns!

As part of my photography plan for the coming year, I’m reviving the short-lived Phoneography Friday project.

Sometimes it’ll be a single shot; other times (like today), a process. And other times, this might be a precursor for an app review. We’ll all have to wait and see.

By the way, it’s against my modus operandi these days to announce a project before it’s well underway. After all, when we announce a big project, we get a sense of satisfaction that is similar to what we get when we complete a big project (and here is some important clarification that improves on Derek Sivers original). So as far as my brain chemistry is concerned, I’ve already posted 52+ Phoneography Friday posts. In Shaa Allah, I’ll be able to keep up with it all.

This week, enjoy the process I went through to create the first Black & Wednesday post:

The steps I took:

First, the iPhone 5 camera app.

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I liked the light in the scene, and planned to convert this shot to greyscale and play from there, but I saw the filter button and realized I had never played with it.

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I ended up using the ‘Tonal’ preset, which I preferred over the Mono and Noir filters.

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With this in hand (or the camera roll), I took it on a trip through Filterstorm Neue to pump contrast and add a bit of grit…

process 20131227|4|©JamesECockroft-20131225

and then to the Noir photo app—all spur-of-the-moment-like—to add a bit more drama.

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And lastly, a crop to 6×7 in Filterstorm classic. (To be honest, I only used classic to crop because it’s on the home screen and Neue is buried in a folder. I also only used Filterstorm because it was handy and it’s easy to set weird aspect ratios). All in all, it was Good Times.

Continue reading “Phoneography Friday 20131227”

Black & Wednesday 20131225

Working out what to do—photographically—in 2014… #1, get better at seeing, shooting, processing black & white. I’m not making any promises or resolutions, but I hope to post one b/w picture on Wednesdays, starting from today.

So this is the first: shot with the iPhone 5 and native camera app’s (iOS 7) ‘tonal’ preset. Contrast upped and tone mapped in Filterstorm Neue, further refined in Noir photo app, cropped to 6×7 in Filterstorm classic.

7/52-51 a Nursery and an Abandoned housing development: a photowalk

Due to spur-of-the-moment travel plans, this weeks pictures all come from one day of sporadic shooting, first at a plant nursery, and then at an abandoned housing development.

Sunday was just beautiful for walking around and admiring Allah’s creation.

LX-7, AP mode, settings in the Lightbox, with some edits in Lightroom.