Arkansas 2021 – Pinholes (2) & Panoramas (1)

Some advice: should you decide to shoot a bunch of slide film on some pinhole cameras in a scenic place, maybe leave the 4×5 and that box of Astia at home…


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Arkansas 2021: Pinholes (1) & Panoramas

April 2, with my arm aching and feeling just a bit off from the second Moderna vaccine shot, I hopped in the car and drove to Arkanasas for a much needed vacation and visit with Mom. In planning for this trip, I decided to a) shoot some slide film and b) shoot only pinhole cameras and/or panoramic cameras.

This week, instead of the usual Monday/Wednesday reviews and Friday photoset/rant, please enjoy the fruits of my fun back in April, 2021.

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George Georgiou – ‘Americans Parade’

Justine Kurland’s Girl Pictures was the Charcoal photobook-of-the-month for June 2020. I preordered Girl Pictures well before its release, and so swapped it out for George Georgiou’s Americans Parade. This was probably my fourth swap, and the process couldn’t be easier: Jesse Lenz and Charcoal Books are super easy to work with.

But this isn’t about Charcoal.

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