Some advice: should you decide to shoot a bunch of slide film on some pinhole cameras in a scenic place, maybe leave the 4×5 and that box of Astia at home…
Continue reading “Arkansas 2021 – Pinholes (2) & Panoramas (1)”Some advice: should you decide to shoot a bunch of slide film on some pinhole cameras in a scenic place, maybe leave the 4×5 and that box of Astia at home…
Continue reading “Arkansas 2021 – Pinholes (2) & Panoramas (1)”For today’s installment of the Pinholes & Panoramas trip to Arkansas, let’s turn to the Lomo LC-Wide!
Continue reading “Arkansas 2021 – Pinholes (1) & Panoramas (1)”April 2, with my arm aching and feeling just a bit off from the second Moderna vaccine shot, I hopped in the car and drove to Arkanasas for a much needed vacation and visit with Mom. In planning for this trip, I decided to a) shoot some slide film and b) shoot only pinhole cameras and/or panoramic cameras.
This week, instead of the usual Monday/Wednesday reviews and Friday photoset/rant, please enjoy the fruits of my fun back in April, 2021.
Continue reading “Arkansas 2021: Pinholes (1) & Panoramas”Ok. So I bought another LC-A… This marks my third (or fourth, depending on if you count the LC-A+, which I don’t) in six years… smh.
Continue reading “Will I ever learn?”Justine Kurland’s Girl Pictures was the Charcoal photobook-of-the-month for June 2020. I preordered Girl Pictures well before its release, and so swapped it out for George Georgiou’s Americans Parade. This was probably my fourth swap, and the process couldn’t be easier: Jesse Lenz and Charcoal Books are super easy to work with.
But this isn’t about Charcoal.
Continue reading “George Georgiou – ‘Americans Parade’”A Mycological Foray was the Charcoal photobook of the month selection for July 2020, and it’s one of the more unique and niche books to come to me thanks to my long-running subscription.
Continue reading “John Cage – ‘A Mycological Foray’”For Eid al Fitr this year, I decided, perhaps in error (what’s new?) to shoot digital… Did I shoot the aged but still excellent D7000? Maybe the great old Olympus C-5050Z? No? Did I shoot the fancy new camera I acquired to up my scanning and unboxing game?
Continue reading “Eid al Fitr 2021”