Refueled #17

Following my acquisition of Jason Lee’s A Plain View, I kept an eye on Lee (and FilmPhotographic), and when news of the “OK: Jason Lee Photographs” exhibition at the Philbook Muesum, Downtown, appeared I made plans to go.

I remember seeing something about a special edition Refueled magazine/exhibition guide that was scheduled to come out late in the run of the exhibition, so I went late in the run. Alas, when I went, in October 2019, the gallery guide was still unavailable (or wasn’t at the refreshingly tiny museum shop, anyway), so I ordered one, and I’m glad I did, as it’s the only record of the exhibition (there wasn’t a catalog).

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Richard Misrach – ‘on Landscape and Meaning’

Richard Misrach on Landscape and Meaning is the latest (as of 2021) entry into Aperture’s “The Photography Workshop Series,” and, like others in the series, it’s something like a visiting artist’s lecture at a small state college somewhere in middle America, where almost no one has heard of the person. There are wildly useful and helpful nuggets interspersed, for those that will benefit, but it’s sufficiently general interest to bring some alumni and locals in that might contribute to the program.

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Was I even thinking?

If shooting a roll of Kodak Ektachrome in the Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim wasn’t enough, I figured it needed a buddy… after all, I’m always one to develop in 2s or 3s, and with my wariness over E6 chemicals being what it is, I figured it was a good idea to shoot an even number.

So did I shoot it in a decent camera? The FM3a, maybe with the 50 1.2? Or maybe something quirky and hipstery, like maybe the LC-A or LC-W? Did I at least use something with auto-exposure that could maybe get close to accurate exposures with finicky slide film?

Please. That would require some actual thought…


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David Levi Strauss – ‘Co-Illusion’

Co-Illusion: Dispatches from the End of Communication is David Levi Strauss‘ sort-of meditation on last months of the Obama era and the first year or so following. It’s a little bit of a strange read, perhaps worthwhile and sorta interesting, but a bit maddening too, and I really wish I had an unboxing video of it to share, though not so sad that I made a flip through video or anything…

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Debi Cornwall – ‘Necessary Fictions’

I’m not sure where or how I came across Debi Cornwall‘s Necessary Fictions. I suspected Jörg Colberg, but nope. I thought maybe Charcoal. Nope. It could’ve been an email from Radius Books, or maybe someone mentioned it on a podcast or something. Allahu Alim. However it got into my hot little hands, I’m glad enough that it did.

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What was I thinking?

smh. I don’t know what I was thinking…

It was sometime in early March, 2021, and I got the crazy idea to shoot some slide film. Now, I self-process everything (b/w, c-41, and e6) and chemicals to process slides are sorta expensive and I believe them to be rather short-lived.* So, I reasoned, if I’m going to shoot slide, I need to shoot a bunch of it in relatively short order, then develop it all in a week or two before the chems start to go off.

Now. I planned to shoot almost exclusively slide on a trip to Arkansas in early April, so I figured March would be the perfect time to start putting away some rolls, and so one morning I grabbed a roll of the new Ektachrome (which I had never shot before) and looked around for something to shoot it in.

What did I find? Well… here comes the head-scratcher:

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Nick Waplington – ‘Anaglypta’

Nick Waplington‘s Anaglypta was the Charcoal Photobook of the Month selection for April, 2021, but I didn’t receive it from Charcoal, as I preordered this signed copy from Dashwood almost a year ago.* I’m not sure where I heard about it… maybe an email from Dashwood, even, but it’s been sitting on the to-be-reviewed shelf/shelves since I received it, well, until I started work on this review, anyway.

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