Erik Kessels – ‘Notes On Accidents’ B-Sides Box Set

Erik Kessles was a strange choice for the fourth B-Sides Box. If you’re unfamiliar, Kessels is an artist that works with photography, largely found, partially produced by KesselsKramer. I sadly missed his 2011 exhibition ’24 Hrs in Photos’ and his series of books of found photography In almost every picture, but I was aware of them, and admire the project. It’s just that the first two B-Sides Boxes featured work from Artists who use cameras to make art, and Kessels uses photography itself…

I’m not complaining… Honest.

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Marianne Müller – ‘A Part of My Life’

NSFW. Fair warning: there is full frontal nudity and whatnot through most of the book. It’s not prurient, or doesn’t seem meant to be: this isn’t a pornographic book.* Think Francesca Woodman rather than Larry Flynt.

Disclaimer out of the way, let’s get to the book.

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Rebecca Norris Webb – ‘The Glass Between Us’

I spotted Rebecca Norris Webb’s The Glass Between Us: Reflections on Urban Creatures in a local Half Price Books store, signed, for $70, if I recall. At the time (and before, and still) it was a load of money to drop all at once, but I just couldn’t resist.

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