Unboxing some Silberra film…

I backed a bunch of different Silberra films. 160, 200, Ortho, I forget what else. So far, I’ve received 2 rolls each of Silberra Pan 200 and Silberra Ultima 200 (I Indiegogoed that pair twice), and I filmed an unboxing of both, but then decided against sharing them, so instead, you get this nice first shot, of my unboxing rig…

Continue reading “Unboxing some Silberra film…”

Ektar, at EI 50, with a broken camera

After the disaster that was my experience with Ektar down in Costa Rica, I decided to try the last roll I had on hand at EI 50. In my tracking spreadsheet, I named this roll “waste the Ektar” as I had 1) forgotten the good experience I had with it last Summer and Fall, and 2) attributed the C.R. fail to the film, instead of the broken LC-A. I figured the Ricoh 500 ME would do it enough justice and just wanted to get the film out of my refrigerator, so I planned to just shoot whatever, willy-nilly, as fast as possible.

Little did I know, the 500 ME had a few screws loose…. Continue reading “Ektar, at EI 50, with a broken camera”