Well, it was a long time coming, long enough that I forgot it was coming, even, but it arrived, and it’s not quite what I expected, and Chris Gampat (the Phoblographer) put together a nice (maga)zine.
Continue reading “‘Emulsion’ – the Phoblographer’s zine”Wet
T J Clark – ‘Farewell to an Idea’ – UPDATE
Well, it took me 4 quick months to make it through T J Clark’s Farewell to an Idea, but I made it…
Continue reading “T J Clark – ‘Farewell to an Idea’ – UPDATE”Suds. Irving, TX 2017
a strong foundation
In downtown Eureka Springs, there are all these old houses, perched on the side of the hill, hanging off into space. I used to wonder how they were held up, why they didn’t go sliding down the side, but, then, I’d never looked round the back of any of them, and I was young. These days, I see something different. Continue reading “a strong foundation”