6 Days in Costa Rica

I didn’t say anything at the time, but I was in Costa Rica a month or so ago for business (again). It was as beautiful, and the people as friendly, as I remembered. Given that it was a work thing, I didn’t have much time for shooting and only made it through 6 rolls and a disposable, plus a septuple handful of shots from the X70, so it wasn’t a complete wash. Continue reading “6 Days in Costa Rica”

Caleb Jenkins – ‘American Eclipse’

Dateline August 21, 2017: a rare-ish, total eclipse sweeps the United States. For a few brief minutes, we focus less on our schisms and fancies, and unite under a darkening sky. Jenkins grabbed a roll of film* and went for a walk.

‘American Eclipse’ is the result.

Continue reading “Caleb Jenkins – ‘American Eclipse’”