6 Days in Costa Rica
I didn’t say anything at the time, but I was in Costa Rica a month or so ago for business (again). It was as beautiful, and the people as friendly, as I remembered. Given that it was a work thing, I didn’t have much time for shooting and only made it through 6 rolls and a disposable, plus a septuple handful of shots from the X70, so it wasn’t a complete wash. Continue reading “6 Days in Costa Rica”
Doka Coffee Estate, Costa Rica 2018
Something better than that…
All that you love in this world—your spouse, children, and parents, your job, maybe, your toys, Oreo cookies, whatever—it’s all but a passing fancy, really. Something far better is waiting for us… Continue reading “Something better than that…”
the room, cuidad Cariari, Costa Rica 2018
Cuidad Cariari, Costa Rica 2018
Caleb Jenkins – ‘American Eclipse’
Dateline August 21, 2017: a rare-ish, total eclipse sweeps the United States. For a few brief minutes, we focus less on our schisms and fancies, and unite under a darkening sky. Jenkins grabbed a roll of film* and went for a walk.
‘American Eclipse’ is the result.
Continue reading “Caleb Jenkins – ‘American Eclipse’”